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Corresponding Author(s) : Pham Thi Thu Ha
UED Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities and Education,
The issue of women’s education in Vietnamese newspapers in the early twentieth century in general, and in particular to Nam Phong newspapers has attracted many researchers’ attention. However, focusing on the issue of women’s education in terms of ideology, conception, content in the Nam phong newspaper (1917 - 1934) is quite faint. Referring to this, firstly, we should place Nam phong in the context of the press in this period the colonial government press, Vietnam was a Confucian-influenced country, Feudalism is also considered to be the source of gender inequality [4, p. 100]; Secondly, the approach to the issue of women’s education in the Nam phong newspaper is not theoretical, but it is in favor of the practicality of the issue of women’s education when they face a male-dominated society with a lot of unequal prejudices, but it is regarded as truth. From here, Nam phong newspaper does not focus on the adequate conception of the issue of "feminism," "women's liberation", etc. On the contrary, the advocates of the Nam phong newspaper focus on the issue of educating women "right" with contemporary social status, considering the need of social evolution in the most natural way. Thereby, pointing out the important contributions of Nam phong newspaper on the ideology, conception of approaching the issue of women’s education in our country from its beginning.
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