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Corresponding Author(s) : Nguyen Van Sang
UED Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities and Education,
The article analyzes American diplomatic efforts in search of reconstruction and development of relations with Great Britain from the mission of John Q. Adams to the War of 1812. Based on sources of correspondence, diplomatic documentaries, treaties and monographs, this article focuses on clarifying the first American diplomatic efforts to re-establish the relation between the two countries from a relation between the colonies and the mother country to the relation between the two independent nations, the process of normalization of the Anglo - American relations through the adjustment in George Washington's foreign policy and John Jay's diplomatic mission, the collapse of the Anglo - American relations after this relation was reconstructed. From the results of the study, the article will contribute to the clarification of the British - American relations after the war of independence, the history of American diplomacy in the Founding Fathers Era of the United States.
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