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Corresponding Author(s) : Do Thi Huong
UED Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities and Education,
Vol. 11 No. 1 (2021): UED Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities and Education (UED-JSHE)
Isaac Babel is an exceptional Russian-Jewish writer of Russian literature. The writer himself and his best work Red Cavalry have truly become a remarkable phenomenon in Russian and world literature. Through Red Cavalry, Babel not only helps readers understand more about the life, the fighting process as well as the virtues and the ideal of the Red Army Cossack soldiers, but also allows them to see the human values, human nature, simple wishes and noble aspirations of people, especially the Jewish intellectuals in violent war situations. His readers, therefore, pay even more respect for this talented and brave writer, and at the same time, earn a more comprehensive view of a highly turbulent period of the Russian-Soviet literature. With an uncommon psychological view used in approaching the works written about war, this article hopes to highlight the issues mentioned above.
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