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Corresponding Author(s) : Tran Thi Kim Phuong
UED Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities and Education,
Vol. 12 No. 1 (2022): UED Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities and Education
This study examines: (1) the impact of antecedents on customer engagement in social media; (2) the impact of customer engagement on brand experience and customer satisfaction; (3) the effect of gender on the relationships between antecedents and customer engagement in social media in the hospitality industry, Vietnam. An online survey is conducted to collect data from domestic tourists who used the service at accommodation establishments in Vietnam and have searched, interacted with, or exchanged about the brand on Facebook. A return of 379 questionnaires is valid. CB-SEM was used to test hypotheses. The results showed the empirical validation and reliability of the conceptual model that supports the research hypotheses. Finally, specific theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.
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