On 31st July 2020, Chief Editor of UED Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities and Education promulgated "Decision on royalties for the authors with articles published in the Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Education" for the purpose of joining the ASEAN Citation Index (ACI) system, enhancing the quality of scientific articles, encouraging and motivating the authors to have articles published in the journal.

According to the decision, the royalties for each type of authors are specified as follows:

  • Authorship is a staff member of The University of Danang – University of Science and Education and member universities under the University of Danang: 1,000,000 VND/ Vietnamese article and 1,500,000 VND / English article.
  • Authorship is a Vietnamese in units not belonging to The University of Danang: 1500,000 VND / Vietnamese article and 2,000,000 VND / English article.
  • Authorship is a foreigner: 200 USD / article.

Note: The royalties paid by the Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities and Education do not apply to articles that are products of scientific projects at all levels.

The Editorial Board of the Journal is pleased to make this announcement to all readers and scientists.